Bicycle Delaware Tour – 13 Sept 2008

78.76 mi
Avg Spd
13.2 mph
453.2 mi
Distances and speed are recorded in mile

Today was a bicycle tour like none other I have ever done. I completed one of my before turning forty goals (several years early I might add). I rode my bicycle from the border of Maryland and Delaware to the Atlantic Ocean on the opposite side of the state.

Originally my plan was to go one way; have Imelda and the kids drop me off in Maryland and I would ride out and meet them at the beach where they would have been able to play all day in the ocean. Unfortunately due to some unforeseen incidents I had to go alone. This made it a two way trip (out and back) instead of just one way. All the same it was an incredible day – slightly warm and humid but in the latter part of the afternoon some clouds gathered to provide some relief. The roads were optimal choices that had large clean shoulders to ride on with very little traffic. Amazing to me is that I think Delaware is flatter than Kansas which helped the ride time.

I wasn’t racing this time just wanted to get finished – which I did. I came back with some interesting tan lines that extend from my wrist to my biceps and burned knees. My face is tanned (burned) where it wasn’t covered by the helmet. Even the air vents in my helmet have unique little patterns across my cleanly shaved head! 🙂

I’ve included a couple of pictures which you can see by clicking here.