Home Gym – Setup

Spent a couple of hours tonight setting up a cycling gym in the garage. The weather is beginning to get too cold and sunset too early to get good riding in after work. So, tonight I took an older bicycle I have and fixed it up and repaired problems before connecting in to my bicycle trainer. I was lucky – short of a flat (and drying) front tire and some handlebar tape it ought to be a good trainer for the winter. Tonight I spent about 35 minutes and found the pace was much faster even was a little dizzy when I dismounted – what a rush!

Below, I have included a self-produced music video. I doubt I will leave the video up for long so if you must watch (I pity you) do so quickly – it will probably be gone in a couple of days.

I am still looking around for a weight bench with leg extensors. This ought to further complete my new man-cave.

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